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Zubaida Tariq Cooking Book:

Zubaida Tariq, a renowned name which is popular especially among the housewives who never miss any of her cooking shows coming on TV. Zubaida Tariq, popularly known as Zubaida Apa – is a famous cooking specialist and her recipes andtotkas are very useful and easy to follow. She has also introduced different new masalas which are quite popular. Her cooking programs are telecasted on different TV channels and are watched by many.
This cookbook includes nearly 153 mouth-watering recipes of different Pakistani pakwans. The step by step instructions are very easy to follow. This book is highly recommended to both – those who are new to cooking as well as the house-wives who are expert in cooking but want to polish their cooking skills and want to add more recipes to their cooking list.
DesiStore #PBS00918
ISBN #969-0-01818-3
Weight (kg)0.40
Weight (lbs)1.01
Pics (color)24
HB/PBPaper Back
You would find just anything, whether it be a simple daily dish like “sabzi” or all-time favourite party dish like “biryani” or “nargisi koftay”. Whether it be “salads” or “achar & chatnies”. Whether it be sea-food like “fish pulao”, “Lahori Fish” or delicious bar-be-cue like “Grilled Chops”, “Chicken Tikka”. Whether you are a vegetarian or a meat lover, there is everything to suit your taste-buds.
Every recipe comes with Zubaida Apa’s popular “totka” which no doubt is very useful. In short, this book is a must for every house. You would definitely regret not to have one.

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